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When choosing a residential vacuum, there are a few things to consider. What type of floors do you have…hard or bare floors primarily, or mostly carpet? Is your living space on multiple levels or all one level? Do you have pets or allergies?

HomePro offers a great line-up of canister, hybrid, & upright vacuums so whatever your needs are, your floors will be clean!

Generally speaking, bare floors are best vacuumed with a canister vacuum while uprights are usually the go-to for carpeting. The hybrid offers a great compromise of both styles. Pets and allergies may require a bit more filtration, in which case we suggest the upright SEBO Automatic X Series. Stairs are easily reached with attachments on any machine, or the wand on a Canister vac. Hybrids are also helpful as they are usually quite lightweight.

While each type of vacuum may be the best suited to certain applications, remember: even better than the "best machine for the job," the machine you USE is always our number one recommendation. If you have a personal preference and a machine type that is your favorite, we have an option that will be suited to you and your need. And, as always, feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to walk you through the selection process.

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