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Do you know what kind of vacuum you need?

Did you know there is a difference in commercial and residential vacuums? Beyond just the basic aesthetic of the machines, there are some functional and warranty differences that separate the two types of machines.

Commercial machines are created to be run hours and hours a week. They generally offer a longer cord as well as longer duty cycles. Because of their heavy usage, these machines are designed for easy repairs and maintenance. Their tools and accessories are geared for more commercial application. These machines are the workhorses of vacuums. They may not look as pretty but they will get the job done.

Residential machines offer a little more finesse in their handling and are not meant to run for hours each week. They generally offer an extended warranty and SEBO X models even offer a lifetime belt warranty, something you won’t find anywhere else.

The tools and accessories on a residential machine are geared to residential applications. Most models have 2-4 onboard tools making them more convenient for use around the house.

There are a few different models of commercial machines, upright, backpack, cart vacs, etc. while residential machines are typically upright, canister or hybrid varieties. Watch for a future post where we go over the different styles of machine and the environments that they are best suited for.

Whether you need a commercial or residential vacuum, HomePro has the best machines for the job. Search our selection from Windsor, Karcher, SEBO, ProTeam, and more. If you need assistance selecting, don't hesitate to call one of our specialists today!

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